Tips for hair care at home

Posted by Meibi Pirela on

Often the hectic world in which we live we set aside to give details as to our body treatments and hair, here are some tips you can do in the comfort of your home to have beautiful hair and radiant.

Treatment with egg and oil to nourish dry hair: Beat two egg yolks and mix with a teaspoon of rum and a castor oil. Apply the preparation on all the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash as usual. Repeat every week.

Avocado Nourishing mask for dry hair: Peel a ripe avocado and mix with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a teaspoon of oil hump until it forms a cream. Apply after shampooing massage from root to end at the tips. Put a plastic cap and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally rinse. The avocado will give the hair proteins that moisturize if we repeat each week.

Natural treatment for dry hair with banana and lemon: Mash a ripe banana, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a sunflower oil. Mix together and apply to hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash the hair without using the electric dryer.

Home treatment for dry and brittle hair: Place in 50 ml of 90 ° alcohol 40 grams of shredded cinchona bark and 20 grams of shredded fern rhizome let stand for one month. Then heat the solution in a water bath and add 100 cm3 of sweet almond oil and 100 cm3 of peanut oil. Stir until the alcohol evaporates. Cool and strain the preparation to apply once a day moisturizing hair especially in the roots and ends.

A more professional to have a beautiful hair is the Photonhair (Laser): Enhancer of treatment is the best ally for the stylist. The latest technology to enable more efficient and hair treatments.

It is a photo-activator that uses cold blue light, system LED (light emitter diode), and generates negative ions that allow:

-Ensuring greater binding of its active components within the internal structure of the hair.

-Neutralize the static and close the hair cuticles.


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